Yogyakarta, 9 October 2024 – PT Paiton Energy and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) organized a workshop on “Process Improvement in Operation and Maintenance of Coal-fired Power Plant” at the Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta on October 3-4 to share knowledge and experience on energy management, asset management and the use of digital technology in the power generation sector.
The workshop is a concrete step in the strategic cooperation between PT Paiton Energy and UGM in education, research, community service and other relevant areas to support energy security and energy transition in Indonesia.
The cooperation agreement was signed by the Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed, Sp.OG(K), Ph.D., and the President Director of PT Paiton Energy, Fazil Erwin Alfitri, on July 26, 2024. The signing marks the commitment of both parties to address the global challenges related to decarbonization and reduction of carbon emissions, particularly in the power generation sector.
Fazil Erwin Alfitri said that as one of the largest Coal-fired Power Plants (PLTU) in Indonesia, PT Paiton Energy is committed to supporting energy security and energy transition to achieve the government’s Net Zero Emission (NZE) target by 2060.
According to him, the cooperation with UGM is a strategic step to promote the development of cleaner and more sustainable energy technologies.
“With UGM’s research expertise, this collaboration is expected to maintain energy security and support the achievement of NZE targets in the future,” said Fazil Erwin Alfitri.
Prof. Ova Emilia, welcomed the collaboration and emphasized the importance of synergy between academia and industry. According to her, this collaboration not only supports education and research, but also contributes significantly to the development of environmentally friendly technologies. She hopes that this will be the beginning of more collaborations in the future.
Chief Financial Officer of PT Paiton Energy, Bayu Widyanto said that this workshop is very important because it provides an opportunity for the Company to exchange knowledge with academics. Through this discussion, the Company can identify new opportunities in improving PLTU operational efficiency and the use of digital technology.
Various important discussions emerged in this workshop, including the Energy Management System implemented by PT Paiton Energy based on the ISO 50001 standard, steps to improve the management of plant assets, and the utilization of digital technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in PLTU operations.
Another topic of interest was the development of hydrogen technology as a future clean energy source. PT Paiton Energy shared plans to develop a renewable energy-based power plant that can be used to produce green hydrogen. The discussion explored the potential of hydrogen as a clean fuel to support the energy transition.
As a follow up to this workshop, PT Paiton Energy and Universitas Gadjah Mada will implement a program to further explore potential topics generated from this workshop for research and study. UGM researchers visit the Company to observe, discuss with practitioners, and identify specific challenges and opportunities for collaboration.
Upon returning from the industry visit, the researchers will conduct research and studies aimed at addressing identified industry problems with innovative solutions.
Previously, PT Paiton Energy has also established cooperation with the Faculty of Forestry UGM to support the development of biomass-based energy.
This collaboration focuses on social forestry, where the UGM Center for Social Forestry Studies will support the development of energy forests and develop climate change mitigation action plans in social forestry farmer groups in Probolinggo Regency.
The initiative aims to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and support energy security through sustainable forest management.
UGM Trail Run
In addition to conducting workshops, PT Paiton Energy also actively participated in the implementation of the UGM Trail Run 2024 on October 5-6. One of them is by providing a booth to showcase various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs and environmental initiatives that have been implemented.
The Company is showcasing environmental initiatives as the UGM Trail Run 2024 not only focuses on sports, but also has a theme of “Run, Edu, Care” which emphasizes the importance of education and environmental awareness.
At PT Paiton Energy’s booth, runners could enjoy the Company’s quality food and beverage products, as well as see the achievements and awards PT Paiton has achieved in the environmental field through its CSR programs.
In implementing CSR, PT Paiton Energy – PT Paiton Operation and Maintenance Indonesia (POMI) always applies the Pentahelix concept, which is a synergy and collaboration of five important components: government, community, academia, business and media. These five elements are consistently involved in every CSR program organized by PE and POMI.
PT Paiton Energy has implemented its CSR program since 2000 which was designed annually and monitored by the Community Development Committee. The programs are categorized into three focuses, namely supporting the sustainability of Companies (power plant), socio- economic sustainability, and energy and environmental sustainability.
PT Paiton Energy – PT POMI is the first and one of the largest Independent Power Producer (IPP) operating in Indonesia. The shareholders of the Company consist of RATCH Group, Nebras Power and Medco Daya Energi Santosa (MDES).
- https://jatim.tribunnews.com/2024/10/09/begini-cara-pt-paiton-energy-dan-ugm-berkolaborasi-dukung-energi-berkelanjutan#google_vignette
- https://m.jpnn.com/news/langkah-pt-paiton-energy-bersama-ugm-dukung-energi-berkelanjutan
- https://www.beritakata.id/berita-pt-paiton-energy-dan-ugm-kerjasama-dukung-energi-berkelanjutan
- https://duta.co/kerja-sama-pt-paiton-energy-dan-ugm-wujudkan-energi-berkelanjutan-lewat-riset-dan-teknologi
- https://probolinggo.inews.id/read/504165/pt-paiton-energy-gandeng-ugm-dalam-pengelolaan-energi-dan-pemeliharaan-pltu-batu-bara
- https://timesindonesia.co.id/indonesia-positif/513854/pt-paiton-energy-dan-ugm-kerjasama-dukung-energi-berkelanjutan
- https://www.rmoljatim.id/2024/10/11/dukung-energi-berkelanjutan-pt-paiton-energy-jalin-kerja-sama-dengan-ugm