Paiton Energy and Universitas Indonesia Present a 234 kWh Waste Power Plant (PLTSa)
Paiton Energy and Universitas Indonesia Present a 234 kWh Waste Power Plant (PLTSa)
Jakarta, December 1, 2021 – Universitas Indonesia (UI) now has a Waste Power Plant (PLTSa) of 234 kWh thanks to the collaboration of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UI with PT Paiton Energy through the Waste to Energy CSR Project program.
The presence of the PLTSa will be used in the Parangtopo UI laboratory. This PLTSa is also a sustainable solution for UI waste management.
The launching ceremony of the PLTSa is held at the UI Campus Assembly Hall, Depok, West Java, on Wednesday (1/12/2021). The event is attended by UI Chancellor Ari Kuncoro and PT Paiton Energy President Director Koichiro Miyazaki.
According to Prof. Ari Kuncoro, UI is committed to carrying out its role in completing indicators of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a higher education institution, UI has a vital function to produce knowledge as well as applied technological innovations that are oriented towards social and ecological balance.
“The collaboration between UI and PT Paiton Energy in developing renewable energy-producing technologies is by recycling waste, is a real action of collaboration between the private sector and universities to offer solutions in dealing with environmental crises,” said Prof. Ari.
In this Waste to Energy CSR Project program, Paiton Energy donated eight units of Biodigester machines that function as PLTSa. The machine operates by utilizing organic waste and animal waste at maximum of two tons per day.
In addition of producing 234 kWh electricity, the Biodigester machine also produces solid and liquid fertilizers for agriculture that can be utilized by UI fostered communities.
Koichiro Miyazaki said waste management to preserve the environment is a big challenge in the world and also in Indonesia. "One important effort that can be done is providing a waste power plant through our CSR program, the Waste to Energy CSR Project," he said.
According to Miyazaki, the presence of PLTSa at UI has great benefits because it will deepen the know-how in operating waste to energy plant and provide the chances of improving the commercial feasibility of the plant through the joint study. These knowledges and improvement are very important to support government policies to encourage the use of renewable energy.
According to Director of Community Service & Empowerment UI (DPPM UI), Agung Waluyo, the Waste to Energy CSR Project program focuses on the utilization of waste and organic waste. "For the use of the biodigester which will be filled with leaves, animal manure, the rest of the maggot droppings, so that it can produce biogas which we will directly use to drive the power plant," said Agung.
The Acting Dean of FMIPA UI (2018-2021) Rokhmatuloh said that UI wanted this campus to be a green campus and independent of its electrical energy. "This collaboration with Paiton Energy on the Waste to Energy CSR Project program can be one of the successes of our goal," said Rokhmatuloh.
Paiton Energy has implemented a CSR program since 2000 which is designed annually, and monitored by the Community Development Committee. The program is categorized into three focuses, namely supporting the sustainability of the company (generating power), socio-economic sustainability, and energy and environmental sustainability.
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