In 2019, Paiton Energy and PT POMI are assisting 4 Islamic boarding schools in the Ecopesantren program together with the environmental department in the district of Probolinggo. Activities included in this programs are:

  • Workshop and coaching with total participants of 175 persons on obtaining knowledge about environmental management of boarding schools and waste management such as sanitary napkins management, planting, plastic waste reduction, making Ecobricks and utilization of organic waste into compost.

 Workshop and Location:

  • Sanitary napkins management Workshop in PP Nurul Jadid with 100 participants (teachers and students) on January 7, 2019
  • Ecobrick Workshop in PP Bisril Arifin Pakuniran with 25 participants (teachers and students) on May 2019
  • Planting, composting and making Ecobrick Workshop in PP Miftahul Choir, Menyono Village, Kuripan Probolinggo Sub-District with 25 participants (teachers and students) on June 2019
  • Ecobrick Workshop in Sabiluttaibin, Gending Sub-Distric, Probolinggo District with 25 participants (teachers and students) on July 2019
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