PT Paiton Energy is fully committed in implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs under 3 (three) key principles:
In 2023, we re-focused our PR program and CSR projects to align with major issues faced by the nation in general and the company.
As we want to contribute in mitigating the above issues, we are aware that we need to have strong collaboration with all parties involved. In view of the above, we decided to re-focus our PR and CSR program which are aimed at mitigating those issues whilst strengthening stakeholder participation. We continued our launched campaign with Paiton BErsiNERGY as our tagline since 2022.
The above tagline has successfully changed our CSR branding and was used seamlessly with our PR programs covering our CSR activities. We will still focus our CSR programs in Jakarta and encourage CSR program at Paiton site to align with these two areas. The CSR program which is not in these two categories will only be implemented if it could deliver a high PR value. A series of PR programs will be implemented to strengthen the company’s tagline above.
In doing so, we ensure that in all CSR activities implemented, they are associated to the wider exposure based on the Social Development Goals initiated by United Nations. PE also transforms CSR into a higher level by incorporating the Corporate Shared Value that gives positive impact from our business opportunities, social needs, and corporate assets.